Drive and folder tree view – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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Show/hide the drive and folder tree view.

Show/hide the search results list.

Show/hide the loaded instrument list.

Dock the QuickSound window. If the QuickSound window is floating, this

will return it to the main GigaStudio window location.

Maximize the QuickSound browser window to fill the screen. This option

is very handy for dual monitor setups, where the GigaStudio main app is on

one screen while the QuickSound browser is maximized on the other.

Open the GigaStudio Settings->QuickSound tab to access user defined

preferences for QuickSound searches and behavior.

Drive and Folder Tree View

The drive tree view shows all connected drives on

the GigaStudio computer. Mapped network drives are

displayed with their assigned drive letters. To expand a

drive to see its folders, click on the plus sign next to the

drive symbol. Each folder can contain levels of sub-fold-

ers which can be subsequently viewed by clicking the

corresponding plus sign next to each of the folders. If a

drive, folder or sub-folder contains no files that Quick-

Sound is aware of, then the drive or folder will not be

visible in the drive and folder tree view. This greatly sim-

plifies the view by filtering out any irreleavant data.