Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 94

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Here is the VSL Violin Ensemble keyswitched instrument loaded in QuickSound.

Before explaining how QuickEdit works, you need some background on the compo-

nents of a GigaStudio Instrument. There are several properties of the overall design and

construction of the instrument that will help you to perform any number of precise as

well as general overall adjustments.

Note region selection and split selection must be understood in order to make edits

on a global (entire instrument with every split and region) or individual (a single or sev-

eral selected splits and regions) basis. Before proceeding with any edits, double-check

that you are going to edit the correct instrument. Since it is possible to have a QuickEdit

window open for every loaded instrument, you want to be sure you are editing the

right one.

Each QuickEdit Window has a name field in its title bar. You

can also grab this bar to drag the window around the desk-


Once you have verified that this is the instrument you wish to edit, the first place to

look is in the QuickEdit Keyboard view located at the bottom of its window.