Performance load/reset options – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 63

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Performance Load/Reset Options

A very powerful new feature with regard to performances is the ability to load more

than one performance at a time. This new feature for GigaStudio 3.0 is called an Instru-

ment Performance (.GSI) file. This is different from a normal session performance (.GSP)

which includes all the settings for the entire GigaStudio environment including the

mixer, window sizes and positions, effects routing , as well as any included instruments.

The Instrument Performance file (.GSI) enables you to save the applicable environment

for the instrument(s) saved in a .GSI. For example, you can create a drums only perfor-

mance with multiple channels of individual drum and percussion instruments along

with mixer, EQ, dynamics, and plug-in settings and save it as one performance (My


The drums .GSI includes a

stacked instrument. We will get

to details about this powerful

new feature later. For now, we

have already created a stacked

drum set made up of individual

instruments and saved it as a


When creating a Instrument Performance you will need to specify that it have cer-

tain properties upon saving if you want to be able to load it with another performance.

The default behavior for all GigaStudio Performances (.GSP) is that the sampler is re-

set upon loading a new session performance (.GSP). This would mean that all loaded

instruments and all the associated settings would be unloaded and replaced by the

instruments in the newly loaded performance (.GSP). Fortunately, now there is a way to

override this default behavior. The way to do it is to use the “Save As…” dialog and select

the Instrument Performance (.GSI) option.

Select the Instrument Performance (*.gsi)

option from the Files of Type drop-down


For example, if a performance is built on port 3 channels 7-10, the .GSI can be

mounted to port 6 channels 2-5 (or any other port channel, provided there are enough

contiguous channel slots available). In the example that follows, we will create separate

.GSIs which will be automatically saved with the “Reset sampler…” and “Preserve the

Port and Channel..” options turned off to demonstrate the construction of a complete

performance session (.GSP).