Step-by-step review – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 146

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automatically enumerates multi-track wave files, locating file names is intuitive and

fast. Mapping multiple takes, for instance to the Audition Panel, makes for quickly sort-

ing out the keepers from the clams.

Using the Capture Tool and Recent Wave Captures in conjunction with QuickSound

should help you create, load, sort, export, and save audio in many productive and effec-

tive ways.

Step-by-Step Review

1. Select a port channel slot and choose to Create/Edit a Distributed Wave Instrument

from the pop up menu.

1. Do a keyword search in QuickSound for .wav files. Select the specific drive and fold-

er to narrow your search.

2. Select some wave files and drag them to the Distrbuted Wave Audition Panel key-

board. You can drag to a specific MIDI note location and drop the file(s) there. If you

are dragging a multiple selection, the files will load up chromatically from the low-

est note they are dragged to.

3. Play (audition) these files with the mouse or with your MIDI keyboard. Make sure

the port and channel are set to the same one that the Distributed Wave Instru-

ment is loaded on.

4. Drag files from the Audition Panel view to specific keys in the Distributed Wave

Instrument view. This is where you place all the sorted waves from the Audition


5. Reset the Audition Panel (not the Distributed Wave Instrument Panel) and do a

new keyword search for a new group wave files.

6. Drag the new wave files to the Audition Panel and play them.

7. Choose the waves you would like to add to the files you have previously loaded to

your Distributed Wave instrument.

8. Repeat steps 5-7 as often as you like to build up a Distributed Wave Instrument.

An alternative for using Distributed Wave is to load your recent audio capture files.

These will be available in the Recent Wave Captures list at the bottom of the Distributed

Wave interface. Follow the same step-by-step procedure as above substituting Recent

Wave Captures for QuickSound keyword searches.