Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 172

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Type - None
The filter mode is completely bypassed. The Envelope 2 settings will have no affect


Type - Lowpass
This filters, or rolls off, the relative high frequencies.

Type - Highpass
This filters, or rolls off, the relative low frequencies.

Type - Bandpass
This filters, or rolls off, the relative mid frequencies.

Type - Bandreject
This is an inverse filtering of the relative mid frequencies.

Cut freq (cutoff frequency)
This sets the maximum filter cutoff frequency within a range of 0-127 (minimum to

maximum). This parameter is only available if the Cutoff Controller is set to “None”.

Res (resonance)
Resonance creates a peak in amplitude at the specific cutoff frequency, and is used

to generate classic analog synth textures. The maximum resonance is set close to the

point of self-oscillation, and will resonate according to the frequency content of the

waveform that is being filtered.Low

Very light response to the MIDI control source.

is also applies to the Decay and Release settings. A little experimentation will be

needed to learn how this works and figure out the settings you need.