User interface essentials – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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User Interface Essentials

The user interface has many user-definable features enabling you to customize the

look and feel of GigaStudio. This design has been optimized for maximum user flex-

ibility and workflow. While it would be impossible to create a one-size-fits-all interface

design, research and end-user requests have greatly influenced the way the program

can be individually customized.

It will be well worth your while to become familiar with the user-definable aspects of

the program. As it is with any set of tools, you will find ways to do the same thing differ-

ently, new ways of doing the same thing, and better ways to do things. As your experi-

ence increases and your expertise evolves you will be able to refine the look and feel of

GigaStudio as you see fit.

GigaStudio is made up of many components that can be resized, selected, hidden,

and further configured and manipulated in a number of ways.

Selecting Components

At the bottom of the MIDI Mixer Port window are tabs for each of the available Ports.

Click on the tab to view the 16 MIDI channels of the selected MIDI Port.

You may also use the keystroke Alt + n where n is the number of the MIDI Port you

wish to select. For example Alt + 3 would select the Port 3 view and bring its 16 channel

display to the front. For a comprehensive list of keystrokes see the Keystroke Appendix.