Envelope parameters, Articulation – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 168

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Global Attenuation
Set the volume ouput level for the entire instrument. Attenuation is measured in

decibels (dB). This parameter is always a positive number; with higher values indicating

decreasing output levels. Attenuation range is from 0-96 dB: A value of 96 = silence

while a value of 0 = full volume.

Global Pan
Set the stereo sound stage placement position for the entire instrument. Pan sets the

overall placement (hard left, -64- hard right, 63) location within the sound stage for the

selected instrument regions and splits.

Global Tune
Set the overall fine pitch adjustment (-49-50 cents) for the entire instrument. Since

100 cents is equal to one semi-tone (a single half-step) the fine tuning range can be set

from a quarter-tone flat to a quarter-tone sharp.

Envelope Parameters

An envelope, in its simplest terms, is a representation of a sound’s dynamic proper-

ties in the way they change over time. The most common example is the manner in

which a sound begins, what occurs during the sustain characteristics, and then fades

into silence. All acoustic sounds have their associated envelopes. The three primary as-

pects of any given sound that can be quantified in terms that can be manipulated by

way of an envelope are amplitude (volume), frequency (pitch), and harmonic content

(timbre or filter).

In QuickEdit, each of these three acoustic characteristics is given its own set of con-

trols- Envlope 1 for amplitude, Envelope 2 for filter, and Envelope 3 for pitch.

An instrument’s articulation is the pre-defined manner in which the

sampler plays an instrument’s samples. There are parameters organized

into sections in the Articulation view located at the top of the QuickEdit

window. Each section has its own set of parameters and the default settings

reflect the state of the loaded instrument. If you have edited an instrument

in QuickEdit and loaded its performance file (.GSP or .GSI), then the settings

of the parameters will reflect those of the last saved state of that perfor-

