Add & remove buttons – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 130

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Velocity Section

Tracking Sensitivity:

When using a continuous MIDI controller, you can have velocity sensitivity. The faster

you move the controller, the louder the MIDI note will play. Slower movements will play

the note back softer. This setting allows you to tweak the velocity sensitivity of how the

GigaStudio responds to the MIDI controller.

Switch Controller Logic Enabled:

This check box and Velocity setting are for pedal switch type controllers that are not

continuous. Pedal switches are not velocity sensitive but we can set the trigger velocity

here. If you setting up a switch pedal to trigger a note, check this check box and set the

velocity level to trigger.

Add & Remove Buttons:

Once you have created a controller trigger, click on the [Add] button to add it to the


You can add several custom trigger controllers for some complex effects.