Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 287

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.GSI (GigaStudio Instrument Performance files)

.PRF (GigaSampler Performance files)

.ART (Articulation files)

.WAV (Windows audio files)

After either searching or browsing for your files they then can be accessed directly

from the list of search results.

AutoComplete Mode
QuickSound can autocomplete search criteria. If you enter a search criteria, such as

“VSL and .gig and horns” and then press the Enter key, the search criteria will become

registered for autocompletion. The next time you type “VSL”, the remainder of the

search criteria will be filled in and highlighted. This assumes that there is only one

registered search criteria beginning with “VSL”. You can continue typing to override the

autocompletion, or you can disable it in the GigaStudio Settings-> QuickSound tab.

How Keywords Work
Searching in QuickSound is based on condition words and a few extra characters.

Below is a list of these words and characters and a description of how QuickSound in-

terprets them.

AND is exclusive, “car and green” will not return any blue cars

OR is inclusive, “car or green” will return cars of all colors as well as grass

NOT is subtractive “car not blue” gets you ALL cars that aren’t blue.

CONTAINS or * at the moment means “begins with”. In the future the * character will

take over most of it’s functions for “begins with”, “ends with” and “contains”.

.XXX is the file operator, as in .GIG, .WAV and so on. this will limit the search to files

of that type. Currently the files supported by this search are .GIG, .GSP, .PRF, .ART

and .WAV Only one is allowed per search, so:

“.gig and .wav” will ignore “.wav”. If the file type is preceded by a NOT the type will be


“horn not .wav” will return all files containing the keyword “horn” that are not .WAV

files. Using *.gig or *.wav also works, (actually in this case the *, normally the CONTAINS

operator, is simply ignored).