Trigger point details – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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Trigger Point Details

Trigger point:

This sets the exact spot in the continuous controller range (from 0-127) that the trig-

ger will occur. For example, you can have the Mod-Wheel trigger a note at its halfway

point with a value of 64.

Ascending & Descending:

This determines weather the controller triggers the MIDI Note when it is moving

forward or backward. You can use more than one rule to have the controller trigger the

note from both directions.

Note to Trigger:

This sets the MIDI Note that will be triggered by the MIDI controller.

Note On & Note Off:

This sets weather the MIDI controller triggers a Note on or Note off.

Override Pedal:

This checkbox only shows up when you have selected “Note Off:

Checking this enables the MIDI controller to perform a Note Off even if the sustain

pedal is down.