Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 71

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At the bottom of each channel strip is the user-definable output routing for the

channel strip pair.

Here, it is possible to route the

audio directly to any of the avail-

able Output Master channel pairs

(default 1,2) or to one of the avail-

able Group inputs. The number of

Output Master channels is depen-

dent on how many audio outputs

your hardware can support as well

as which of those outputs have

been designated for use by the Gi-

gaStudio Configuration Manager->

System Settings->Hardware tab.

The number of available groups is defined on the same Mixer/Disk Engine tab where

you define the number of Mixer Input pairs.

The Groups serve the same functions as the Input channels, except that multiple

channel pair outputs can be routed to the same Group channel pair. This provides a

dedicated channel pair for control, or a sub-mix, of multiple instruments routed to a

Group channel pair.

Each of the Group channel pair out-

puts are then routed directly to the

selected Output Masters. Here are four

input channel pairs routed to Group1,2

(G1:2) which are then routed to Output

Masters 1,2 (H1:2)

To maximize a channel strip to Wide view, click on the top where the

channel strip numbers are, for example 1,2 on the first channel strip.