Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 274

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Mic to Mixer Routing

This matrix allows for assigning mic groups to the DSP Station. For example, instanti-

ate a GigaPulse NFX plug-in as an insert on Input channels 15:16, the mics span across

channel 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 29, and 21. Notice that the Mic to Mixer Routing assignments be-

gin on the assigned channel number and span out over the next seven channels.

In some cases, such as an instrument body model impulse response, the mic selec-

tions would all necessarily be set to one stereo pair of Inputs in the DSP Station. Then

you would go about selecting the preferred combinations of mics and placements as in

a normal stereo tracking session.

Mode drop down list:

The Mic to Mixer Routing matrix has a list of options

for stereo or surround modes.

7-Channel mode

The 7 channel mode provides for routing up to seven microphones to seven discrete

mixer channel assignments.