Step-by-step review – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 107

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Assign the MIDI control source by right-clicking on the Decay slider to invoke the

MIDI Control dialog. The primary controller should be in its active “listening” state. At

this point, switch to the MIDI Mixer Port 1 view and move the third channel 1 slider back

and forth a bit. The floating MIDI Control Source dialog will automatically detect the

controller source and display it in the selected controller field. Click the “Set MIDI Con-

trol” button to accept the settings.

Now the Mod slider will adjust the level of the NFX1 Reverb Decay slider directly from

the MIDI Mixer channel slider. To verify that this is working properly, play the instru-

ment you have loaded on channel 1 and adjust the Mod level. If you have the Reverb edit

window open, you will be able to see the Decay slider move to reflect the level set by the

channel 1 Mod slider.

You have now learned the basic concepts of assigning MIDI Control to the control

widgets in GigaStudio. Utilizing any of the numerous hardware MIDI control surfaces,

DAWs, and software sequencers, there are vast possibilities for controlling your GigaStu-

dio performances in real-time. All the MIDI control settings you make can be saved and

recalled in a performance (.GSP) file. Combining your knowledge of managing perfor-

mances, you can create mixer templates with all of your own defined MIDI control set-

tings as well as your loaded instruments and interface look & feel. For further details on

advanced MIDI control see the MIDI control reference section.

Step-by-Step Review

1. Right-click on a widget. If MIDI Control is available, you will be presented with a

MIDI Control dialog with options for assigning a controller.

2. The default state of an active widget is in “listening mode”. At this point any con-

troller that you wiggle or otherwise manipulate will be assigned to the widget. Click OK

to save the changes.

3. Alternately select a specific controller from the list of available controllers in the

MIDI Control drop-down menu.

4. For simple (coarse resolution) control, only one controller selection will be avail-

able. To enable a fine controller as well, select the secondary controller when available.

5. Any MIDI Control assignments can be saved with the performance. To create a MIDI

Control template, save it as an insrument level performance (.GSI) to be loaded with

other performances.