Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 35

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The Maximum Polyphony field can be changed to

any number from 1 to well over a thousand voices.

Depending on the system performance, this setting

will need to be fine tuned for the optimum setting. Click on the up and down buttons

to increment by one, or click in the center handle and drag the mouse cursor up or

down to rapidly increment this setting. Keep in mind, that you will need to click the Ap-

ply button for any actual changes to take place.

As more polyphony is requested, more system resources must be allocated for han-

dling the voice streams. Some of the system memory will be allocated to these poly-

phonic streams and will no longer be available for loading instruments. In order to

help you to gauge this allotment of memory, there is a graphic display just below the

polyphony slider that dynamically tracks these memory requirements based on the

amount of memory installed in the system.

The System Memory Status Display
In this example, we start with a maximum setting of up to 256 voices. On the slider

we have a conservative setting of 160 out of a possible maximum of 256 simultaneous

voices or streams.

The system we are working with has 512MB of memory is installed. Here we can see

that our polyphony setting of 160 will require 5% (shown in green) of the installed RAM

for streaming the samples. The remaining amount of RAM (shown in blue) remains

available for loading instruments.

To understand this further, let’s move the polyphony slider up all the way to the de-

fined 256 maximum.