Performance/instrument loading – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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main difference is that this setting is used specifiaclly for a “Reset” operation while the

startup is intended to be used as a “startup state”. You may wish for both to do exactly

the same thing. If you would prefer not to retain the window sizes and positions on a

“Reset” then you should leave this option disabled.

“Load Default performance after reset”. Use this option to load a preferred default

performance upon “Reset” whether or not you have defined this as a “startup state”.

Use combinations of reset options depending on the project and its specific needs.

Here are some examples:

• Reset only the loaded instruments while retaining all the mixer settings and win-

dow positions and sizes.

•Reset only the hardware in the case of overly stressed hardware/drivers.

•Reset the preferred default performance such as an orchestral template with a pal-

ette of instruments, mixer settings, effects, and all the window sizes and positions.

Performance/Instrument Loading

“Remember recent performance files” will define a number from 0-16 recent perfor-

mance files in the File menu list.

“Remember recent .gig files” will define a number from 0-16 recent instrument files

in the File menu list.

Loading from the QuickSound Window
Set the default state of a load performed form the QuickSound window with a drag-

and-drop operation.

“Load on current channel, replacing previous instrument” is the default state for a

load operation. Hold down the [Ctrl] key while loading to assert stacked instrumen-

mode for the selected channel. As soon as the instrument is stacked to a channel the

mode will revert to normal (not stacked) until the [Ctrl] key is used again during a drag-

and-drop load operation.

“Stack on current channel” can be set as the default state for all drag-and-drop load

operations by selecting this option. While you are working in this state, hold down the

[Ctrl] key to revert to a normal (non-stacked) load operation.

General MIDI Support
Define a folder where your General MIDI library is located. This helps GigaStudio to

make instrument assignments by program change numbers whenever a standard GM

file is dragged to the MIDI Mixer interface. A standard file browser window is provided

for this preference.

“Launch Sequencer on downloading MIDI file” will open your sequencer automati-