Teac UD-501 Setup instructions for Mac User Manual
Teac hr audio player

TEAC HR Audio Player
1212 MA-1912A
Gatekeeper setting when first launching
TEAC HR Audio Player (for Mac OS)
If the Gatekeeper setting (General tab of the Security & Privacy pane
in the System Preferences) is anything other than “Allow applications
downloaded from anywhere,” the following warning message will
In this case, click “OK”to close the warning message.
Control-click (right-click) the file and choose “Open” from the menu.
When the following warning message appears, click the “Open” button.
Changing the Gatekeeper setting
You can change the Gatekeeper setting by setting “Allow applica-
tions downloaded from:” to “Anywhere” on the General tab of the
Security & Privacy pane in the System Preferences. In order to change
this setting, you must click the gear icon at the bottom left and input
an administrator name and password to unlock the settings.
If you click the button or type command-Q, for example, to quit
System Preferences, the settings will lock again.
Changing the Gatekeeper setting could increase the risk to computer
security. After changing the Gatekeeper setting in a way that reduces
security (choosing an item lower in the list), restore the setting to its
original value after launching the file. The following warning mes-
sage will appear If you set “Allow applications downloaded from:” to
“Anywhere”. Click the “Allow From Anywhere” button.
After restoring the Gatekeeper setting to its original value, when you
open the downloaded file, the following warning message appears.
Click the “Open” button.