Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 112

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Click on all of the check boxes of any event that you want to be ignored by the instru-

ment. Use the scrollbar to access all the MIDI Controllers. The [Reset All] button will un-

check all the check boxes. The [Filter All] button will fill in all the check boxes.

Here are details and some suggested uses for each of the Filter options:

Note On - Any incoming MIDI note on messages will be ignored. This option is help-

ful for preventing any notes from sounding, regardless of the MIDI data received.

Note Off - Any incoming MIDI note off messages will be ignored. It is possible to trig-

ger a note having a long duration such as a thunder sound effect without having

to sustain the note through its full decay. In other words, you can play sustained

notes percussively.

Polyphonic key pressure - Some keyboard controllers are capable of sending poly-

phonic aftertouch messages. This can quickly saturate the MIDI stream with too