Aux busses – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 74

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Use the “Bypass” and A-B buttons at the top of the

NFX plug-in window to listen to comparative edits as

well as the unaffected signal.

You can dismiss the NFX interface by clicking the X in the

upper right of its window. It will remain loaded but hidden

from view.

To recall and edit the NFX interface, click on the slot where

the insert is loaded and select the Edit button on the Inserts

section of the channel strip.

You can bypass all the inserted effect(s) by clicking on the

INS button at the top of the channel strip. Notice that the but-

ton changes from a bright green (loaded and active) to a dim

green (loaded but inactive). This button is always available with

the channel strip in Narrow or Wide view.

To bypass an individual effect inserted on a channel strip,

click the BYP button for the desired effect. The channel INS but-

ton will override the state of individual effects. If the loaded

effects are not bypassed, but the INS button is inactive (dim

green), then the inserted effects will not be heard.

To add more inserts to the same channel, repeat the above procedure. Up to four ste-

reo inserts can be used on a single channel strip..

To remove an insert, click on the loaded slot and select the “Remove…” option from

the drop-down menu.

Aux Busses

Assigning a plug-in to an insert on a specific channel strip is often necessary to

achieve a desired result. It is not very efficient if you are using a similar or even the

same plug-in on several channels as inserts. To get the maximum benefit from your

plug-ins it would be best to use channel inserts only in special circumstances, such as a

flanger on a bass harmonica sample.

Use an Aux bus to handle a shared effect plug-in, such as a reverb, delay, or GigaPulse

convolution model that you can apply to any number of channels routed to it through

the channel strip Aux Sends.

There are eight Aux sends that each can be configured to be pre- or post-fader, de-

pending on what the mix calls for.