Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 119

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Sample Articulation Order:

To create a Legato Mode instrument, you need to have these articulations mapped in

a certain order, using a 32 split Smart MIDI dimension split.

The best way to create this is to start by creating individual instruments for each ar-

ticulation. (Sustain, Release, Alternate 1 & 2, Legato up x 12, Legato down x 12)

Then use the Combine Tool to assemble them in the proper order.

32 Splits-Smart MIDI dimension:

01 Legato Up 1 (half step)

02 Legato Up 2 (whole step)

03 Legato Up 3 (minor 3rd)

04 Legato Up 4 (Major 3rd)

05 Legato Up 5 (Perfect 4th)

06 Legato Up 6 (dim 5th)

07 Legato Up 7 (Perfect 5th)

08 Legato Up 8 (minor 6th)

09 Legato Up 9 (Major 6th)

10 Legato Up 10 (minor 7th)

11 Legato Up 11 (Major 7th)

12 Legato Up 12 (Octave)

13 Blank

14 Blank

15 Blank

16 Blank

17 Legato Down 1 (half step)

18 Legato Down 2 (whole step)

19 Legato Down 3 (minor 3rd)

20 Legato Down 4 (Major 3rd)

21 Legato Down 5 (Perfect 4th)

22 Legato Down 6 (dim 5th)

23 Legato Down 7 (Perfect 5th)

24 Legato Down 8 (minor 6th)

25 Legato Down 9 (Major 6th)

26 Legato Down 10 (minor 7th)

27 Legato Down 11 (Major 7th)

28 Legato Down 12 (Octave)

29 Default Sustain

30 Alternate Sustain-1

31 Alternate Sustain-2

32 Release Trigger

The instrument then needs to be saved to disk and loaded to a MIDI channel in the

Editor to add the iMIDI Rule to it.