Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 267

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Bypass button:

When this is a bright green color, the Input levels are bypassed and

will not pass any signal through the GigaPulse engine. When the

button is grey, any signal will be convolved.


This the volume control for the impulse response sample. When this is increased the

impulse overall volume is increased, this control does not affect the incoming audio

volume. The Master Level control affects the processed (convolved) portion of the signal

including all the Mic Groups only if you are using a wet/dry mix of other than 100%

wet. This is not an input level control. On a channel insert in DSP Station this provides a

100% wet/dry ratio.

When using a GigaPulse on an Aux Buss be sure the Input or Group channel fader is

all the way down (off) and the Aux send is set to PRE fader. This will eliminate any dry

signal from being routed to the mix, which would introduce an artificial or “incorrect”

signal in addition to the convolved signal.


The Left Level control affects the left channel signal. Its overall level is set by that of

the Master.


The Right Level control affects the right channel signal. Its overall level is set by that

of the Master.

Mic Masters:

The Mic Masters section is a set of controls that act as an overall control for any en-

abled Mic Groups. The default control of all the Mic Group settings is matched by the

master settings. If the individual Mic Group settings are adjusted individually, the mas-

ters control them keeping their settings relative to one another.

Mute button:

Mute all the Mic Groups.

Mic Level:

Adjust the overall level of all the active Mic Groups.