Mapping & creating a legato mode instrument – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 118

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If you would prefer to hardwire these settings into the .GIG file you can do that


•Open the .GIG file in the Editor.

•Then [right-click] on the Bank/Instrument Window on an instrument and

choose the iMIDI Rule Manager from the context menu.

•Make the settings as before and then save the .GIG file.

Then whenever the instruments of this .GIG file are loaded, these user settings will

also be remembered.

Mapping & Creating a Legato Mode Instrument

Required Samples Articulations:

Default Sustain Samples

You need some basic long sustaining samples to serve as your default sample. This is

the articulation that plays first before sliding to another note.

Release Trigger Samples

If you want to have the natural sound of the instrument release or some natural

room or hall ambience, you will need to create some standard release trigger samples.

This is usually done by creating a copy of the sustain samples and then deleting every-

thing except the tail. Release samples are optional.

Alternate Samples

There is room in a Legato Mode instrument for two alternate variations for the sus-

taining samples. Alternate Samples are optional.

Legato Samples

To do a complete Legato Mode instrument, you will need recordings of the instru-

ment sliding to and from every interval for every note. The recording starts on the origi-

nal note, then slides to the interval and holds the note. The length of this hold should

match the Default Sustain Samples. The samples are then trimmed right at slide leav-

ing a little bit of the original note in the samples. Like the release trigger samples, a

little experimenting will be necessary to get the right sound.

To save sample space & recording time, you can skip every other note or every third

note as is done with other samples. You don’t want to go further than every third note

though or the timing of the slides will be too noticeable.

The end result needs to be 24 folders of legato samples.

12 Up and 12 Down.