Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 291

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There are some rules built in which may not be obvious at first. Here are some exam-

ple searches and how QuickSound interprets them. Each of these examples begin with

user input following the word Type: in the QuickSearch field. In the text following the

QS: is the interpreted command. This is the actual search that QuickSound performs.

Type: strings violin

QS: strings AND violin

Comment: default search is AND

Type: strings violin tremolo

QS: strings AND violin AND tremolo

Comment: meaning only those words which match all three

Type: strings not violin tremolo

QS: strings NOT(violin OR tremolo)

Comment: all words after a control word are collected together onto that control

word’s list. While AND is default, the nature of NOT effectively ORs it’s wordlist together.

Authors Note: After months of wrestling with these issues I will warn the casual reader

that pondering the nature of NOT and other language related logic questions can lead

to insomnia and mental instability which if left untreated can lead to considering a de-

gree in Linguistics.

Type: strings NOT (violin tremolo)

QS: strings NOT (violin AND tremolo)

Comment: parentheses change everything. They collect the bits of the query together

in an ordered manner and allow very complex searching. By parenthesizing the last

two words they are on their own “level” and no longer “follow” the NOT. therefore, since

there is no instruction given to them about their relationship they use the default rela-

tionship AND.

Type: *.gig


Comment: the star is ignored as what you are really asking for is not a wildcard

search but to see all .GIG files

Type: drum not .wav

QS: “all files with drum as a keyword that are not .wav files”

Comment: a NOT preceding a file operator changes it’s meaning from “only return

files of type .wav” to “only return files that are not .wavs” .