Legato mode rule – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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Legato Mode Rule

“A special thanks to the Vienna Symphonic Library team and specifically Christian

Teuscher, for certain rules of iMidi which have been modeled to emulate the original VSL

Performance Tool v1 – in particular the Legato, Alternation and Repetition modes”

The Legato Mode tool allows you to play authentic legato lines in real-time on your

keyboard. This tool creates the most stunning and realistic note-to-note transitions

ever. These can be used for a long portamento slides to notes or for natural legato note

transitions. The tool automatically takes care of the complex dimension switching in

real-time as you play the keyboard.

This requires some very meticulous sampling sessions to capture all the intervals,

speeds and loudness levels but the results are as realistic as can be.

The nice thing about this tool is that you only to play the keyboard a certain way.

There is no need for Key-Switching or MIDI sequence editing. The tool does all the con-

necting work in real time as you play. All that is required is that you hold down one

note while playing the next note in a phrase to connect those two notes. To avoid con-

necting the notes, you lift off a note before triggering the next note.


Here are some audio examples of what this tool sounds like.

These can be found in the Tutorial Instruments Folder for this chapter.

(Tutorial Instruments/10-03 Legato Mode Rule)

Trumpet Without Legato.wav

Trumpet With Legato.wav

Cellos Portamento Legato.wav

This is how most sampled instruments sound. There is no connectivity be-

tween the notes.

Now we here the same instrument with this Legato Mode. Notice how the

notes connect together seamlessly and realistically.

Here we use the longer portamento slides. You don’t want to over use this

though because it can be unrealistic. Its best used as needed for dramatic

or romantic slides to particular notes depending on the musical context.