Dsp station group channels – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 203

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DSP Station Group Channels

Narrow/Wide Views

Each DSP Station Group channel pair can be viewed in either narrow (default) or

wide (detailed) view. Narrow view provides access to commonly used functions, while

Wide view enables you to access more control settings.

In the default narrow channel

view, the most essential controls

such as fader levels, pan, input and

output routing are available. The

wide view provides access to inserts,

aux sends, dynamics, and equaliza-


To expand a channel to wide view,

click in the very top area where the

channels are displayed. To collapse

the channel down to narrow view,

click the same area. Narrow or wide

view is available on a channel by

channel basis.

Source Input Selection

There is no way to define a Group input source in the Group channel view. You must

assign an Input Channel to a Group by assigning it with the Output Channel selection

available at the bottom of the Input Channel strip.

Activation Buttons

Activate/by-pass the inserts, dynamics, and equalizer. There are

three possible states for each of these buttons.

• A grey button indicates that no effects are loaded, activated, or

bypassed. This is the default state of a channel strip.

• A bright green button indicates that the respective insert effect,

dynamics, or EQ is activated and is currently not bypassed.

• A dim green button indicates that the respective insert effect, dy-

namics, or EQ is activated, but is currently bypassed.

The function of each element of the Group Channel strip is described in the follow-

ing sections.