Fader mode (link status), Pan mode select, Mute/solo function – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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Fader Mode (Link Status)

Link or Unlink a channel pair. A grey button indicates normal linked

channel status. This the default state of a channel strip.

When a fader is in unlinked mode the unlink button will light and

the faders will split into two discrete faders.

Pan Mode Select

Select the Pan mode to determine the function of the two

pan controls for the channel pair.

Postition & Width (Pan Mode option)

Use the POS knob to control the Position of the linked signal within

the stereo field from left to right. Right-click the knob to set a MIDI con-

trol. A text display below the knob indicates the position setting.

Mute/Solo Function

Mute or solo a channel pair. A grey button indicates normal channel

mode. When mute is active, the M button will be yellow. When solo is

active, the S button will be red.

The intended use of the Position and Width controls is for use with a stereo signal

source. These controls are only available in linked fader mode since an interleaved ste-

reo source is considered to be treated as one linked pair of signals. If you Unlink the fad-

ers while in the Position & Width pan mode, the pan controls will revert to Mono mode

(Left Pan and Right Pan respectively).

It is possible to collapse the image of a stereo source by reducing the Width control

making it more of a “point source” so that you can place it more directly within the

stereo image using the Position control. Always use the Position & Width pan mode to

avoid any phase issues when panning stereo input sources and samples.

Insert Counter

There are up to four stereo effect inserts available per input channel strip.

The display shows that there are no inserted effects.

The display shows that there is one stereo inserted effect. There are still

three left and right slots available.

The display shows that there are three stereo inserted effects and in addi-

tion, one mono effect on the right.