Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 117

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Release Trigger Key:

Triggering this Key will allow you to have the last note of a phrase end with a special

release sample. Press the trigger note once the last note is played. The release trigger

sample will play when you letup.

Alternate Non-Legato Key 1 & 2:

These keys provide alternate sustaining samples when pressed. You can toggle be-

tween the default sustain these alternate sustain articulations by pressing these keys

between notes. This is good for repeating the same note within a phrase. Instead of

triggering a fresh starting note, you can trigger one of these alternate samples.

Legato Threshold Time:

This setting can help the Legato Mode tool adapt to your performance technique on

the keyboard. The threshold sets the time in which the tool will recognize two consecu-

tive notes as a legato transition. Experiment with this setting until it works best for

you. Ideally, the Release Time and Threshold Time should be set to the same value.

Release Time:

This sets the delay time of the note-off. This value should match the Legato Thresh-

old setting.

Saving the Settings:

To save these settings so that they reload with the instrument, you need to save a

custom instrument performance.

That performance will then load this instrument with these settings. If you were to

just load the .GIG file again without using the performance, then the default settings

will be loaded again instead.