Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 82

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or effect send/return. GigaStudio will be listed as “Giga3” in any ReWire device menu.

With GigaStudio you can have up to 64 ReWire channels (32 stereo) arriving at your

host’s application audio mixer..

When you insert a ReWire device, some applications have an option of launching

the ReWire slave application (GigaStudio). If this is not the case, then you must launch

GigaStudio manually. When GigaStudio opens this time you will notice that the status

bar along the bottom of the screen shows that you are running it in ReWire mode.

One very important thing has happened. GigaStudio has detected that ReWire is ac-

tivated instead of using its standard audio hardware settings and the number of audio

channels specified will instead be routed to the host DAW application.

Each of the channels activated in the DAW application correspond to the instru-

ments you have routed to the output masters in the GigaStudio DSP Station. You must

do all the instrument loading and signal routing in GigaStudio. For starters, load an in-

strument onto port 1 channel 1 and leave the routing as is. The default output channels

will be ReWire 1,2 in the DSP Station.

In ReWire mode, the DSP Station Output Master channel strips are where the instru-

ments in a GigaStudio performance are routed. These outputs are designated as Re-

Wire outputs instead of sound hardware outputs.

Go back to your host app and find the track with the “Giga3 Mix ReWire 1/ReWire 2”

designation and try starting playback of the track. You should automatically hear the

instrument you have loaded in GigaStudio.

Well, you just set up a basic ReWire connection. This setup will enable you to play

and record MIDI tracks in your sequencer and have them play along with your audio

tracks and apply mixing and processing all in the host DAW application environment.

Be sure to save both your sequencer project and your GigaStudio performance (.GSP).

The ReWire connection is only a method of connectiong the two programs. A good rule

to follow when saving project files is to give them the same name, date, version, or any

other identifiable characteristic that will help you keep your projects organized, one for

GigaStudio in ReWire Mode

In the DSP Station Inputs view, select the ReWire channels from

the output selection menu for each channel strip you wish to

route to the ReWire host DAW application.

It is also possible to route an input (or several inputs) to a group

and then assign that group to the corresponding ReWire channels

in the host DAW application.