Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 138

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To arm a track, switch to the DSP Station Output Master view and click on the REC

buttons to arm as many channels as you want for capturing stereo tracks.

As soon as a channel pair is armed, the REC button(s) will change from

grey to dim red. This indicates the track is in record-ready status, but not

yet recording.

When the recording actually begins, the REC button(s) will become

bright red to indicate that a recording is in progress.

Before doing any actual recording, you will need to verify or perhaps make some

settings adjustments with regard to the capture function as well as to your audio hard-

ware settings.

Go to the System Settings->Synthesizer dialog and define the bit depth of the cap-

tured waves. Leave the Buffer Size setting alone for now. If you hear drop-outs in the

captured waves, you can experiment with larger buffer sizes.

You can select any bit depth that your audio hardware driver is

capable of supporting. In this case, we can select from 16, 24, or 32

bits per sample. Selecting the “Track Hardware Bit Depth” option

will set the capture bit depth to the same as that of the audio

hardware bit depth setting in the System Settings->Hardware


On the Hardware settings page, you

will need to have as many outputs en-

abled as you want recorded tracks. Click

on any available output channels and a

green check mark will verify the enabled


In making these settings, bear in mind that the bit depth of the captured waves

should match those of the other audio files in your multi-track DAW. This will help keep

all your audio files consistent with regard to bit-depth.