Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 46

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Temporary Disk Usage
You can specify a drive and folder to be used for Akai conversions. Use the “Browse”

button to bring up a folder browser dialog. When you drag/drop Akai objects to MIDI

channels or the VirtualPiano, SConverter converts the S1000/S3000 CD/Partitions/

Volumes/Programs on the fly into .gig or .wav files. These files are considered transient

and are placed in a temporary directory. You may use the Browse button to change this


NOTE: SConverter will automatically append a ‘Temp’ directory onto the end of the

path shown. This ‘Temp’ directory is subject to deletion.

As the above mentioned files accumulate, you may wish to delete them. This can be

done manually at any time, by selecting Clean Temp Dir from any SConverter context

menu You can choose between two options for managing the temp folder:

To automatically empty the temp directory after a conversion operation, select the

Empty Temp Directory When Disk is Ejected or Program Exits option.

To keep the contents of the temp directory for as long as you decide, choose the Emp-

ty Temp Directory Manually (using SConvertor Context Menu) option. You can empty the

directory by right-clicking the converted files and selecting the context menu option.

NOTE: You can prevent removal of files in this directory by setting their properties to

‘Read Only’. This would allow you to specify files you wish to keep while deleting all the

other files from the ‘Temp’ directory.

Short cut operations
You can define the SConvertor double-click operation to one of a list of pre-defined

operations for a short cut. The default setting is for a double-click to act just as if you

had performaed a single click.

An example of a time saving short cut for an operation would be “Comb2Gig-> GSE-

dit”. In this example the double-click performed on a multi-selection would combine

the selected instruments to a .gig file and automatically open them in the GigaStudio

Instrument Editor for further design and custom adjustment of parameters.

Scope of Operation
Select one option from a list of pre-defined conversion operations. You may set the

above mentioned double click operations to independently for Partitions and Volumes

(NonPrograms), Programs, and Items in the Batch List…or you may set them all to the

same operation.

All will enable all non programs, programs, and batch conversion items to be con-

verted in the same operation.

The NonPrograms option will convert partitions or volumes of the Akai disk to the

.gig format.

The Programs option will convert only the program data of the Akai file to the .gig
