Control sliders – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 164

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The stacked instrument becomes part of the performance file and can be restored

from a saved .GSP along with all the other instruments and the mixing environment.

Optionally, you can save a stacked instrument as an instrument performance (.GSI) and

load it with any of your other performance files. See the tutorial on Working with Per-

formances for more details.

Control Sliders


The first of three assignable sliders is set to Master Channel

Volume (cc7) by default. To increase the value of the slider, click on

it and drag the cursor to the right. To decrease the value, drag the

cursor to the left.

The controller can be re-assigned by clicking the arrow for a drop-down list and se-

lecting any MIDI continuous controller, Program Change, Fine Tune (cents), or Coarse

Tune (semitones). Use the scroll bar to access the rest of the listed controllers.

Fine Tune

The next slider is set to Fine Tuning (cents) by default. It can be

adjusted and assigned to another controller in the manner previ-

ously described.


The third slider is set to Pan (cc10) by default. It can be adjusted

and assigned to another controller in the manner previously de-


Any of the three controllers can be assigned on a channel-by-channel basis. Be aware

that the MIDI port and channel are fixed to their respective port channel loader slots.

Therefore an instrument such as a Flibious Melodiola loaded on MIDI port 7 channel 15

will only recognize and transmit controller messages on port 7, channel 15. See the MIDI

Control tutorial for more details and examples of configuring the MIDI channel sliders.