Config:) tx ( code, Config:) tx ( symrate, Config:) tx æ code – Comtech EF Data CDM-710G User Manual
Page 89: Config:) tx æ symrate

CDM-710G High-Speed Satellite Modem
Revision 1
Front Panel Operation
Æ Code
Tx CodeRate: 1/2 3/5 2/3
3/4 4/5 5/6 7/8 8/9 9/10
Refer to the Data Rate menu for valid code rates.
All possible choices are presented at all times. If an option is not installed
(either Hardware or FAST) or is not valid, or if a code rate is not available for
the Mode selected, the ◄ ► arrow keys will force the cursor to skip past the
unavailable choice.
Use the
arrow keys to select the code rate, then press
If the Tx Code Rate selection gives an invalid data rate or symbol rate, the following menu will
appear after the error message – it will query the configuration change for a valid configuration:
Cfg TXMod=8PSK TxCR=2/3
TxSR=18.903085 Msps?Y N
If ‘
’ (No) is selected, the unit returns to the original configuration. If ‘
’ (Yes) is selected, the
unit is configured with the displayed parameters.
Æ SymRate
Data: 038.723635 Mbps
Sym: 017.379483 Msps(E)
Use the
arrow keys to select the desired digit of the Symbol Rate, then use the
keys to change the value of the digit. Press
when done.
The Data Rate digits also change as the Symbol Rate values are edited. The value of the Data
Rate depends upon the code rate, modulation type, and the Mode type selected.
When modulation, code rate and other parameters are changed the modem attempts to maintain
the same Symbol Rate, provided it is still in range when one of the other parameters is changed.
The valid range of Symbol Rate and Data Rate Range for DVB-S2 are shown in the following
table. When programming a new data or Symbol Rate the modulator will not accept it unless it is
in the range, and it will turn off the Tx Carrier. If a new rate is not accepted, change the
Modulator Code Rate or Mode. There is some round off in the Data Rate ranges in the last digit.
The first table is for the standard FEC Frame and the second table is for the short frame.
The tables are based on a 188-byte frame format; the 204-byte frame is not available.
If Tx Symbol Rate selection gives an invalid data rate or symbol rate, the following menu appears
after the error message to query the configuration change for a valid configuration:
Cfg TXDR=70.00000 Mbps
TxSR=18.903085 Msps?Y N
If ‘
’ (No) is selected, the unit returns to the original configuration. If ‘
’ (Yes) is selected, the
unit is configured with the displayed parameters.