Comtech EF Data CDM-710G User Manual
Page 187

CDM-710G High-Speed Satellite Modem
Revision 1
10/100/1000 Base-T Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) Interface (CDI-70)
creating a new folder from Windows. There should now be a "c:\temp" subdirectory
created (where c: is the drive letter used in the example).
b) Download the correct firmware file provided by Comtech EF Data:
As shown in Figure 14-3:
1. Go online to:
2. Click on: Support tab;
3. Click on: Software Downloads drop-down or hyperlink from Support page;
4. Click on: Download Flash and Software Update Files icon;
5. Click on: (Select a Product Line) Satellite Modems hyperlink;
6. Select the CDM-710G or, alternately, the CDM-700 product hyperlink;
c) Select the desired GBEI firmware version hyperlink (the firmware number for the CDM-
710G’s CDI-70 Gigabit Ethernet Interface module is FW12738).
d) Unzip the files in the temporary folder that was created in Step 1(a). At least four (4)
files must be extracted (file naming is approximate):
• FW12738x.bin – Bulk Image file, where "x" is the revision;
• ReleaseNotes_FW12738_vxxx.pdf – Where "xxx" is the complete version;
• readme_vxxx_GBEI.TXT – Installation notes text file;
• CReflash.exe – The executable used to upload the firmware to the GBEI.
2. Connect the PC to the Interface
a) Connect the client PC to the CDI-70 GBEI via an Ethernet hub or a switch, or directly to
a PC with a crossover cable.
b) Enable the GBEI on the CDM-710G to enable the PHY interface on the GBEI.
GBEI firmware can only be loaded via the Ethernet Traffic port;
do not use the J4 Ethernet M&C port.
3. Reflash the Unit
a) Double-click on CReflash.exe to start the
Comtech Modem Reflash Application
(shown at right):
b) Type the IP Address assigned to the
GBEI in the IP Address: field.
c) Enter the bulk image load by either (1)
typing the path and filename, or (2) using
the [Browse] button to select the file.
d) Leave the Remote Filename selection as “bulk:”.
e) Click [Start].