What’s new in version 3.00, What’s new in version 3.00 -3 – TeeJet Swath XL User Manual

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Swath XL

Software Version 3.00


Chapter 1 - Introduction to Swath XL

Welcome to Swath XL

the following:

Chapter 1, Introduction to Swath XL, contains a product overview and instructions for installing the
Swath XL hardware.

Chapter 2, Software Overview, gives a description of the entire Swath XL software suite and instruc-
tions on how to setup and configure the Swath XL Smartpad and software.

Chapter 3, Real-Time Guidance, describes Swath XL real-time guidance and mapping software.

Chapter 4, Waypoint Navigation, describes how to setup and run the Nav 2 Point Waypoint Guidance

Using the optional PCMCIA data card, Swath XL can also create, and save to the card, a vehicle application
trajectory record file (.RCD). The PCMCIA data card is required to store any data as no data is stored inter-
nally to the Smartpad. You can also map points and hazards during the real-time guidance process. Any data
saved to the PC card can be viewed and printed using MID-TECH Fieldware-Tools software included as an
option with Swath XL. If a field boundary is not available one can be created, based on the boom width,
while the operator is spraying or driving the perimeter of the field. Total field area, in acres or hectares, is
calculated, as well as total area applied. If a field boundary already exists, possibly created using the MID-
TECH Fieldware - Field Mapping application, it can be viewed in the background.

What’s New in Version 3.00

There is one new application and several new features released in Version 3.00.

Nav2Pt Application - This is a new software application for the Swath XL Smartpad. This software
application allows the user to navigate to predetermined point locations (see description in previous sec-

View Points, Lines, and Polygons- You can now view all graphical objects (points, lines, and polygons)
in both Swath XL Guidance and Nav2Pt applications.

Course on Ground View - A new view, Course on Ground (COG), has been added to both Swath XL
Guidance and Nav2Pt application real-time map view pages. This view continuously keeps the vehicle
heading to the top of the view page. The vehicle remains stationary in the view page and the background
maps move and rotate beneath the vehicle.

Course on Ground Message - This a new lightbar message used in both Swath XL Guidance and
Nav2Pt applications. The COG message displays the heading of the vehicle.

Map Field Boundary without a PC card - In the Swath XL Guidance application you can now map the
field boundary without having a PCMCIA card. The user can map the boundary but will not be able to
save it to a file. Having the boundary mapped during the product application process allows the user to
view various field and application statistics such as remaining area to be sprayed.

Multiple Languages - The entire Swath XL software suite comes in several user languages. Consult
MID-TECH for current list of available languages.

GPS Accuracy Setting - A new GPS receiver menu is being added to the Main Setup menu. This allows
you to select between standard DGPS accuracy (sub-meter) and Real-Time-Kinematic (RTK) accuracy
(sub-decimeter). Choosing the correct setting results in improved vehicle dynamics when running the
Guidance application.