TeeJet Swath XL User Manual

Page 56

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Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance


Guidance Setup

Swath XL

Software Version 3.00


The Headland pattern allows the user to use both curved guidance and straight line (A-B) guidance. Typically this
pattern is used when the operator wants to make several headland passes around the edge of the field and have guid-
ance along the headlands after the first pass. Once the operator is satisfied with the number of headland passes com-
pleted, the pattern can be switched, in real-time, to the A-B pattern to apply the rest of the field with straight line A-B
guidance. Figure 3-8 shows trajectory data collected while using the Headland pattern. The trajectory (RCD) data is
displayed in Fieldware - Map Manager.

Notice in this figure that the user Marked the A and B points for parallel A-B guidance while driving the first head-
land pass. This was accomplished while driving in the curved guidance mode. By allowing the user to mark straight
line A - B points while in curved guidance, they will not have to mark A and B points when they eventually do switch
to straight line A - B guidance. Typically the best place to mark the A and B points is when the vehicle is driving
along a straight feature such as a fence line.

Circle Pivot Pattern

The Circle Pivot pattern allows the user to employ A- B guidance on circles. Typically this pattern is used when
applying under an irrigation center pivot. Figure 3-9 shows an example of what can be done with the Circle Pivot Pat-
tern option. In this figure, the operator drove a single headland pass which included the pass furthest out from center
circle. On this outside circle, the operator marked the A and B points from which the initial circle guideline was cre-
ated. Once the A-B points are marked, circle guidance will automatically begin. At this point Circle Pivot and Parallel
A-B guidance behave the same.

Figure 3-8: The Headland Pattern Option