Rockwell Automation 1760-xxxx Pico GFX-70 Controllers User Manual User Manual
Page 303

Publication 1760-UM002B-EN-P - March 2005
Visualization with Pico GFX-70 5-35
Message Text Example Program 4 – Activating Message Texts with a Default Text
The program consists of two screens containing message texts. The screens
are activated automatically in succession in the display. This program is an
extension of the program Two messages in screen_automatic screen
change.e60. The extension consists of the display of a default text in screen 2
when the counter takes on values that are not assigned to any messages. The
circuit diagram uses six on-delayed timing relays T01 to T06 that activate
outputs Q1 to Q4 and LE03 in succession after an elapsed time. This
operation is run in a continuous loop since timing relay T06 resets all timing
relays after a set time. Counter make contacts (C01ZE) in the circuit diagram
are switched directly before outputs Q1 to Q4 and LE03 so that the outputs
are only active if screen 1 is active when counter C01 has the value 0.
The screen activation is executed via counter C01. This has the value 4 as the
upper setpoint SH. This therefore generates the counter values 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The counter is activated with every reset of timing relays T01 to T06. The
counter value 0 activates screen 1 and counter value 1 screen 2. Screen 2
remains activated when the counter value is 2, 3 or 4, and counter value 2 and
3 cause the default text to be displayed as there are no message text assigned to
these values. The counter value 4 causes the message text RESTART to be
displayed in screen 2. If the counter C01 reaches its upper setpoint with this
value, this starts the on-delayed timing relay T08. This then resets the counter
C01 to 0 after the set time of 0.8 s has elapsed. This loop is repeated
Standard path:
C:\Program Files\PicoSoft 6 Pro\samples\
Two messages in screen_automatic screen change+default.e60
Screen 1 - The first screen contains four message text elements. These are
activated in succession via the outputs Q1 to Q4 and appear in the display.
Screen 2 - The second screen contains a message text element with two
message texts. The message texts are activated via counter values 1 and 4. A
default text “default” has also been defined.
• Status value 1. “Error” message text
• Status value 2 and 3: “default” as default text
• Status value 4. “RESTART” message text
If the status value of C01 is 1, the message “error” flashes as the function
block parameter FB has been set in the Display change area in the Display
change tab. The function block parameter switches if the SL value (lower
switch threshold) of the counter is reached (refer to PicoSoft Pro function
block editor, counter C01).
Start Machine 1
Start Machine 2
Start Machine 3
Start Machine 4