Rockwell Automation 1760-xxxx Pico GFX-70 Controllers User Manual User Manual
Page 155

Publication 1760-UM002B-EN-P - March 2005
Wiring with Pico GFX-70 4-45
Arithmetic Function Block Modes
Value Range
The function block operates in the integer range from
-2147483648 to +2147483647.
Behavior when value range is exceeded
• The function block sets the switching contact AR..CY to status 1.
• The function block retains the value of the last valid operation. The
value is zero when it is first called.
Displaying the Parameter Set in the PARAMETERS Menu
• + Access enabled
• - Access disabled
AR01CY to AR32CY: CARRY overflow bit, value on function block output
greater than or less than the value range.
AR01ZE to AR32ZE: ZERO zero bit, value on function block output is equal
to zero.
The arithmetic function block does not have any coils.
Memory Requirement of the Arithmetic Function Block
The arithmetic function block requires 40 bytes of memory plus 4 bytes per
constant on the function block inputs.
42 + 1000 = 1042
2147483647 + 1 = last valid value of this arithmetic operation, due to
overflow (CARRY)
AR..CY = Status 1
Addition of summand value
plus summand
Subtraction of minuend
minus subtrahend
Multiplication of factor
by factor
Division of dividend
by divisor