Get attribute single service, Identity object instances – Rockwell Automation 1404-M4_M5_M6_M8 Powermonitor 3000 User Manual, PRIOR to Firmware rev. 3.0 User Manual

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Publication 1404-UM001D-EN-E - October 2004

F-4 Powermonitor 3000 EtherNet/IP Device Profile


The Powermonitor 3000 system's Identity instances handle reset
services in the following manner regardless of the reset type

Instance 1 (PM 3000) – Respond successfully to the request, but
continue normal operation.

Instance 2 (DC) – Respond successfully to the request and notify the
PM 3000 to reset the DC.

Get Attribute Single Service

The Get Attribute Single service returns the single attribute specified
by the parameter Attribute ID.

Identity Object Instances

The DC’s Identity Object supports the following instances:

Instance 1 (PM 3000)

Instance 1 represents the PM 3000 device. Since instance 1 of the
Identity Object is the one which is browsed by RSLinx, the complete
device (i.e. the PM 3000 with DC) will appear in RS Who as a PM 3000
rather than a DC.

Instance 1 of the Identity Object reports the following instance
specific attribute values:

Table F.7 Request Parameters


Data Type Description



Type of Reset to perform

Table F.8 Request Parameters


Data Type Description

Attribute ID


Identifies the attribute to be read / returned