Ix.5 – HP 3PAR Remote Copy Software User Manual
Page 339

InForm OS Version 2.3.1
Remote Copy User’s Guide
reversing active and backup server
designations C.32
reversing primary and backup server
reversing volume group primary and secondary
designations 4.2
setting the interface 3.9, 3.14
stop B.79
Synchronous Long Distance overview 2.12
Synchronous Long Distance Remote Copy
setup 3.28
Synchronous Long Distance restrictions 2.45
target 2.15
policies 2.3
terms 2.3
turn on for group B.67
unidirectional 2.8
verifying connectivity 3.10
virtual volumes 2.6
volume group 2.3
remote copy
commands, use 4.12
Remote Copy terms 2.3
remote server 2.4, 2.6
group B.31
link B.23
target designation B.33
virtual volume from group B.27
removercopygroup command 4.12, B.31
removercopytarget command 4.13, B.33
removetask command 4.8
restoring the secondary volume from tape 3.38
restrictions 2.42
resynchronization 2.25, 2.27, 2.31
automatic 2.28
manual 2.24
scheduled 2.28
synchronization period 2.28
reversing roles (primary or backup) 2.15, 4.2
revision history RH.1
scheduled resynchronizations 2.28
volume group 2.4, 2.22
sending links 2.17
service time 5.4
setrcopygroup B.35 to B.41
setrcopygroup command 2.28, 2.40, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5,
B.18, C.9, C.10, C.13, C.20, C.24, C.32, C.36
setrcopytarget command B.43, B.45, B.46, C.9
setting a system gateway 3.9, 3.10
setting Remote Copy policies 4.4
setting the Remote Copy interface 3.9, 3.14
setting up
backup storage server 3.19, 3.32
primary storage server 3.18
RCFC 3.14
Remote Copy 3.2
Remote Copy interface 3.9
Remote Copy transport layer 3.8 to 3.10
setting up Synchronous Long Distance Remote
Copy 3.28, A.7
setvv command
showport B.52
showport command
showport -par 3.14
showport -rc 3.11
showport -rcip 3.9, 3.10
showrcopy command 2.29, 3.20, 3.24, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7,
B.57, B.61, B.67, C.6, C.10, C.13
showrctransport command
showrctransport -rcfc 3.15
showtask command 4.6, 4.7, 4.8
simplifying administration 2.20
single link failure 2.35
snapshot 2.6, 2.25, 2.31, 2.33, 2.34, 2.36, 2.37, 2.39
data space 2.35
deleting 2.27
preventing the system from taking a
snapshot D.3
promoting 2.32
snapshot space 2.33
start copying 3.23
startrcopy command 3.18, 3.19, 3.31, 3.32, 3.33, 4.6,
startrcopygroup command 2.31, 2.36, 2.37, 2.38,
3.23, 3.38, 4.5, 4.6, B.67, B.80
display for group B.74
I/O port B.69
viewing Remote Copy 4.2
viewing system 4.2