Mounting position, Bulletin f-107-uxf3 – Dwyer UXF3 User Manual
Page 19

3.2.2. Mounting position
The detector can be installed vertical, horizontal or at any position provided that attention is paid to the following things.
(1) The piping must completely be filled with fluid when it flows.
Pipe may
not be filled
with liquid.
Pipe may not be filled with liquid.
(2) Where a horizontal pipe is used, install the sensor within ±45° from the horizontal plane. Otherwise, the measurement
could be impossible if bubbles stay in the upper part of piping or if deposits are accumulated in the lower part of piping.
In case of vertical piping, the detector may be mounted at any position on its periphery provided that the flow is upward.
(3) Avoid installing the sensor on a deformed portion of pipe or welded portion of pipe, or on flange.
Welded part
Welded part is provided.
Welded part
Welded part is not provided.
Welded part is straddled.
Remove the welded part.
Bulletin F-107-UXF3