Dwyer Mark II WSI User Manual
Instructions and operation, Mark ii wind speed indicator, Bulletin h-89

The Dwyer Mark II Wind Speed Indicator is
100% pneumatic. It operates on the time
proven principle of aircraft speed indicators.
The complete kit consists of a pick up vane
connected by fifty feet of flexible double
column tubing to the Mark II Indicator, plus
all necessary mounting hardware, fluid and
In operation, wind aligns the Mark II weath-
er vane pointing the pick up tube into the
wind. Wind pressure enters and is transmit-
ted through plastic connecting tubing to red
fluid inside the indicator. Fluid level rises
and falls in response to changing wind
speed. Scale calibrations on the indicator
show the wind speed corresponding to var-
ious fluid levels. For wind direction, observe
the weather vane position.
1. Mount the weather vane assembly out-
doors, as high as possible and away from
the diverting effects of trees, roof pitch, and
other structures. A minimum of 5 to 10 feet
of clearance is recommended for mounting
above small or medium sized buildings and
15 to 20 feet for large buildings. Attach the
mounting bracket directly to the pole or tel-
evision antenna tower with the hardware
provided. It will not interfere with T.V. recep-
tion. Assemble the roof top unit as shown in
diagram on page 3. Use the curved slot to
adjust the pick up unit to a vertical position.
Tighten all screws. Make sure weather vane
rotates freely.
2. Thread the dual column tubing through
slots in the mounting bracket and tape
loosely as necessary to relieve strain.
Separate the two tubes for several inches
and slip the red striped tube over the top
pipe on pick up assembly. The plain tube
slips over the lower pipe.
3. Run tubing to the desired indicator loca-
tion. It can be installed either inside or out-
side. Use plastic tube clamps (Part No. 285)
MARK II Wind Speed Indicator
Instructions and Operation
Bulletin H-89
Phone: 219/879-8000
Fax: 219/872-9057
e-mail: [email protected]
Lit-by-Fax: 888/891-4963