3 multicast commands, 1 show commands, 9 ip igmp startup-query-interval – Fortinet MR1 User Manual

Page 393: 1 show ip mcast

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no - This command resets the number of Queries sent out on startup, separated by the Startup Query
Interval on the interface to the default value.

Default Setting


Command Mode

Interface Config ip igmp startup-query-interval

This command sets the interval between General Queries sent by a Querier on startup on the
interface. The time interval value is in seconds.


ip igmp startup-query-interval <1-300>

no ip igmp startup-query-interval

<1-300> - The range for <1-300> is 1 to 300 seconds.

no - This command resets the interval between General Queries sent by a Querier on startup on the
interface to the default value.

Default Setting


Command Mode

Interface Config

7.3 Multicast Commands

7.3.1 Show Commands show ip mcast

This command displays the system-wide multicast information