Intermec 6710 User Manual
Page 347

6710 Access Point User’s Guide
S-UHF radio, D-6, D-8, D-10
WLIF radio, 4-68, 4-69
Time Exceeded, E-6
Time Stamp, E-6
Time Stamp Reply, E-6
Token Ring, 2-3
Top-level password, 4-12, 4-86
Trace Route, E-6
Transaction rates, D-4, D-6, D-8
Translating bridges, 2-2, 2-4
Transmission MIB family, G-3
Transmit mode, 4-69, 4-72, 4-73
Transmit power, D-1
Troubleshooting, 6-1
See also OWL/IP
establishing, E-10
example, E-15, E-21
flooding parameters, E-9
flooding restrictions, E-4
frame forwarding, E-11
installation limitations, E-2
number allowed, E-2, E-13
operation, E-7
origination, E-9
overview, E-2
permanent filters, E-4
[TX Filter]
default settings, E-6
menu option, 4-82, 4-84
outbound frames, E-11
Type, OWL/IP, 4-83
Type II PC card, 2-17, 3-19, D-1
Type III PC card
900 MHz radio, C-1
installing, 3-17, 3-18
PC card slots, 2-17
WLIF radio, B-1
Type N cable connector, B-6
Type N polarized cable connec-
tor, B-6
UDP, 4-44, 4-47, E-5
UDP MIB family, G-3
[UHF], 4-38, 4-39, 4-76
UHF Frag Size, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27
UHF radio.
See S-UHF radio
UHF Rfp Threshold, 4-25, 4-26,
ARP requests, 4-36
definition, Glossary-9
and flood register, 4-36,
checklist, 4-31
inbound, 4-28
outbound to secondaries,
outbound to stations, 4-30
S-UHF radio, 4-36
OWL/IP, 4-83, 4-84
permanent addresses, 4-42
static addresses, 4-42
Uniform Resource Locator, 4-89
Unlisted, 4-46
URL, 4-89
User name, 4-90
USTART29.BIN, 5-1, 5-6, 5-7,
UTP Ethernet.
See 10BASE-T
(UTP) Ethernet
Value, 4-27, 4-56
Value Id, 4-53, 4-55, 4-56
[Values], 4-52, 4-56
Vampire tap, 3-4
Ethernet, 4-19, Glossary-3
FLASH, 1-1, 5-9
ROM, 1-1, 5-9
Vertical mount, 3-9
View command, 4-13, 4-14
Viewing the configuration, 4-14
Voltages, A-1
W-LINK light, 6-2
Web browser, 3-6, 4-88
Weight, A-2
Whip antennas, B-3, C-2, D-3
Width, A-2
Wired access points, Glossary-1
Wired bridges, Glossary-1
Wireless access points, 4-61,
Wireless hops
definition, Glossary-4, Glossa-
example, 2-15
S-UHF radio, D-3
WLIF radio, 4-62, 4-65
Wireless PC cards
900 MHz specifications, C-1
installing, 3-17
S-UHF specifications, D-1
slots, 2-17
WLIF specifications, B-1
Wireless stations
900 MHz radio options, 4-75
ARP server mode, 4-36
attaching to Master, 4-61,
4-67, 4-70
attaching to Slave, 4-65
beacon frequency, 4-70
channel, 4-75
definition, Glossary-5, Glossa-
different subnets, 4-79
filtering, 2-8, 4-43
filtering examples, 4-48
inbound frames, 4-29
multicast frames, 4-32
multicast or broadcast
frames, 4-33
required levels, 4-31
TCP/IP, 4-35
hello period, 4-40
home subnet, 4-81, E-2, E-4
IP addresses, 4-81, E-2, E-4
IP networking, 4-81
LAN ID, 4-24
learning IP addresses of, 4-36
Mobile IP, E-13
mode, 4-75
on different subnets, E-1