AMETEK Compact i/iX Series Software Manual User Manual

Page 165

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User Manual - Rev H

California Instruments

Avionics Software


Control / Display


Phase Checkbox

The Phase selections may be used to include one or more or all phases in a
test run. Only phases with a check mark will be included in a test. Phases that
are not checked remain unchanged during the test.

Graph Preview

This text field displays the currently selected Row from the Transient
permutations grid that is shown in the graph display in the lower half of the
window. Normally, this is the row that is highlighted in the grid and/or the row
that is presently executing.

Output On/Off

Indicates the status of the output relay of the power source. Normally, the
output relay should remain closed during and between tests. To toggle the state
of the output relay, the main GUI screen must be used.

Test Selection

This section contains the settings and control to determine the type and
duration of the transient tests to be run.

Figure /
Table no.

This selection sets the type of transient to be run as either
conform Figure A or Figure B (Rev D) or Figure 1.2 or Figure
1.1 (Rev E) of Appendix 1.
In case Figure B / Figure 1.2 is selected, the parameter table to
be used can be selected as well. Some choices may not be
available depending on the capabilities of the power source. For
example, Table 1.2 applies only to DC transients and will
always be grayed out since the Lx/Ls Series supports AC output
Note that the size of the Transient permutations table will vary
depending on the Figure and Table selection made in this

Type No.

For Figure A / Figure 1.1 Transparency Transients:
This drop down list control contains drop times in msec. Select
the desired drop time from this list. Rise and fall times will be
set to <1 msec. Each transient will be run 5 times with a 1
second delay between transients per ABD0100.1.8 Appendix 1.
For Figure B / Figure 1.2 Switching Transients:
This drop down list contains the numbers from the selected
table 1.1, 1.2 or 2. Select the number for the transient you want
to run. The GUI will automatically load all available
permutations for the selected table entry. For tables 1.1 and
1.2, these numbers are Arabic. For table 2, they are Roman


Sets the nominal voltage at which these transients are to be
run. Recommended nominal voltages to use per Appendix 1
are shown here.

Network Type

Voltage applied at equipment terminals

115 VAC

104 Vrms

26 VAC

23 Vrms

Conventional DC

25.5 Vdc


24 Vdc

Delay after

This field sets the time delay between transients in seconds.
Default value is 1 second. Note that there is a small amount of
overhead from the GUI program as it reprograms the power
source between transients. This time is small compared to the
1-second delay itself however.


Sets the number of times each transient is run. Default value is
1. For most situations, this value should be set to 1.


If repeat count greater than 1 is used and external trigger
source is selected, setting this check box will require only a
single trigger input. Subsequent repeats will trigger

Freq F1 < ta

Sets the frequency before the transient (ta) for Table 2 type
transients. Normally this value is set automatically per Appendix
A, but the operator can change it in this field.

Freq F2 > tb

Sets the frequency after the transient (tb) for Table 2 type