spelling, checking with Check
Spelling command 128, 233
children regions 485
data sets, about 478
data sets, defining 480
design-time feeds 480, 482
detail regions, about 479, 482
displaying built-in elements in
Bindings panel 483, 485
dynamic tables, about 479
effects, about 486
framework, about 449
master-detail regions 479
regions, creating 482
repeat list regions 486
repeat regions 485
tables, creating 484
widgets, about 449
Spry effects
adding additional 489
appear/fade 487
blind up/down 487
deleting 490
grow/shrink 488
highlight 488
shake 489
slide up/down 489
squish 489
Database Items tree 555
defining recordset SQL
variables 552
recordset, defining with SQL 550
using variables 554, 555
variables 552, 553
SQL (Structured Query
Language) 494
SQL Server connection, creating 519
SQL Server, troubleshooting
dynamic pages 528
stacking order
AP elements 158
changing with timelines 169
Standard mode
about 176
in Property inspector 566
Standard toolbar 16, 18
static pages 492
See also pages
status bar
about 18
preferences 26
resizing the Document window 19
setting text (behavior) 359
stored procedures
about 654
ASP 657
ColdFusion 654
JSP 657
modifying databases 654, 655
Strikethrough (Default Color)
button 223
Structured Query Language
(SQL) 494
style definitions (CSS)
element borders 132
element placement 132
extensions 134
lists 133
positioning 133
tags and properties 131
type 130
Style Rendering toolbar 21
style sheets
Design-Time, using 143
Edit Style Sheet dialog box 140
editing 135
external 139
Style submenu 241
See also style sheets
alignment options 131
applying, removing, and renaming
custom CSS styles 136
converting inline CSS 138
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 129
defining borders 132
element placement 132
moving CSS rules 137
spacing options 131
submit buttons 601
Sun JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver 523
Sun ONE Web Server 498
supported languages 301
Swap Image action 363
Swap Image Restore action 363
swatches, color 223
SWF files
editing in Flash from
Dreamweaver 382
updating links 383
synchronizing local and remote
sites 94
syntax errors in insert statements 529
system color picker 223
system requirements 1
Tabbed Panels widget
See also Spry
about 461
adding panels to 461
changing order of panels 462
customizing 462
deleting panels from 462
inserting 461
opening panels for editing 462
setting default open panel 462
table cells
See also layout cells, layout tables
background color and image,
adding 183
cutting, copying, and pasting 189
header cells, designating 183
highlighting preference 181
merging and splitting 177
table header menu
about 176
clearing heights and widths 186
displaying 186, 192
Make Widths Consistent 186, 201
Remove All Spacer Images 200
select table elements 180
See also columns, rows, and cells
about 176
AP elements, converting from 161
cells, clearing widths and
heights 186
cells, highlighting 180, 191
cells, merging and splitting 188
column widths, adjusting 186, 201
creating and adding content 178
data, exporting 178
database 494
editing 181, 183, 184
September 4, 2007