Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

Page 231

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User Guide


Type a magnification level in the Zoom text box.

You can also zoom in without using the Zoom tool by pressing Control+= (Windows) or Command+= (Macintosh).


To zoom out (reduce magnification), select the Zoom tool, press Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and click

on the page.

You can also zoom out without using the Zoom tool by pressing Control+- (Windows) or Command+- (Macintosh).

Edit a page after zooming

Select the Pointer tool (the pointer icon) in the lower-right corner of the Document window, and click inside the page.

Pan a page after zooming


Select the Hand tool (the hand icon) in the lower-right corner of the Document window.


Drag the page.

Fill the Document window with a selection


Select an element on the page.


Select View > Fit Selection.

Fill the Document window with an entire page

Select View > Fit All.

Fill the Document window with the entire width of a page

Select View > Fit Width.

Using JavaScript behaviors to detect browsers and plug-ins

You can use behaviors to determine which browser your visitors are using and whether they have a particular plug-in

Check Browser

Sends visitors to different pages depending on their browser brands and versions. For example, you

may want visitors to go to one page if they have Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later, to go to another page if they have
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, and to stay on the current page if they have any other kind of browser.

Check Plugin

Sends visitors to different pages depending on whether they have the specified plug-in installed. For

example, you may want visitors to go to one page if they have Shockwave™ and another page if they do not.

See also

“Using JavaScript behaviors” on page 347

“Apply the Check Browser behavior” on page 351

“Apply the Check Plugin behavior” on page 352

September 4, 2007