Modify a timeline – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

Page 176

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User Guide



Move the AP element to where it should be when animation begins.

Make sure you have selected the AP element; if the insertion point is in the AP element, the AP element is not
selected. To select an AP element, click the AP element marker or the AP element selection handle, or use the AP
Elements panel.


Select Modify > Timeline > Record Path Of AP element.


Drag the AP element around the page to create a path.


Release the AP element at the point where the animation should stop.

Dreamweaver adds an animation bar to the timeline, containing the appropriate number of keyframes.


In the Timelines panel, click the Rewind button; then hold down the Play button to preview your animation.

See also

“Resize AP elements” on page 159

Modify a timeline

After defining a timeline’s basic components, you can make changes such as adding and removing frames, changing
the start time of the animation, and so on.

To make the animation play longer, drag the end frame marker to the right. All the keyframes in the animation
shift so that their relative positions remain constant. To prevent the other keyframes from moving, Control-drag
the end frame marker.

To make the AP element reach a keyframe position earlier or later, move the keyframe marker left or right in the bar.

To change the start time of an animation, select one or more of the bars associated with the animation (press Shift
to select more than one bar at a time) and drag left or right.

To shift the location of an entire animation path, select the entire bar and then drag the object on the page.
Dreamweaver adjusts the position of all keyframes. Making any type of change with an entire bar selected changes
all the keyframes.

To add or remove frames in the timeline, select Modify > Timeline > Add Frame, or Modify > Timeline > Remove

To make the timeline play automatically when the page opens in a browser, click Autoplay. Autoplay attaches a
behavior to the page that executes the Play Timeline action when the page loads.

To make the timeline loop continuously, click Loop. Loop inserts the Go To Timeline Frame action in the
Behaviors channel after the last frame of the animation. You can edit the parameters for this behavior to define the
number of loops.

Change image and AP element properties with timelines

In addition to moving AP elements with timelines, you can change the visibility, size, and stacking order of an AP
element; you can also change the source file of an image.


In the Timelines panel, do one of the following:

Select an existing keyframe in the bar controlling the object you want to change. (The start and end frames are
always keyframes.)

September 4, 2007