Preselect an radiobutton control, About the datagrid web control – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

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Preselect an ASP.NET RadioButton control

You can let the server determine which RadioButton in a group is selected. At run time, the server compares each
checked value you specified to a value in a DataSet. If the values match, the server checks the RadioButton.

For more information on ASP.NET RadioButton properties, see the documentation on the Microsoft website at


Select the Dynamic option in the Properties inspector and set the Dynamic Radio Group options.

Creating ASP.NET DataGrid and DataList web controls

Comparing the ASP.NET DataGrid and DataList controls

The ASP.NET DataGrid and DataList controls provide numerous options for displaying different data types
(especially dynamic content from a database), and simplify the process of binding data sources to the controls.
Dreamweaver supports both the DataGrid and DataList controls as server behaviors. The controls provide the
following features:


creates a multi-column, data-bound grid. This control allows you to define various types of columns, both to

lay out the contents of the grid and to add specific functionality (edit button columns, hyperlink columns, and so on).


displays items from a data source using templates. You can customize the appearance of the control by

manipulating the templates that make up its different components.

About the ASP.NET DataGrid web control

The Dreamweaver DataGrid allows you to insert an ASP.NET DataGrid web control. The DataGrid control renders
tables as multi-column grids, and can include different column types (heterogeneous columns) for defining the
layout of cell contents. These include bound, button, and template columns, among others. In addition, the DataGrid
supports interactive functionality such as column sorting, editing, and commands. The following table shows the
column types that are available in the DataGrid:

DataGrid Column Type


Simple Data Field

Referred to as a “bound column” in ASP.NET, the Simple Data Field column
lets you specify which data source field to display, and the data format the
field will use with a .NET formatting expression.

Free Form

Referred to as a “template column” in ASP.NET, the Free Form column type
lets you create combinations of HTML text and server controls to design a
custom layout for a column. The controls within a free-form column can be
data-bound. Free-form columns give you added flexibility in defining the
layout and functionality of the grid contents, because you have complete
control over how the data is displayed and what happens when users
interact with rows in the grid.

September 4, 2007