Replace an image placeholder, Align an image – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
Specifies alternative text that appears in place of the image for text-only browsers or for browsers that have been
set to download images manually. For visually impaired users who use speech synthesizers with text-only browsers,
the text is spoken out loud. In some browsers, this text also appears when the pointer is over the image.
Starts Fireworks to create a replacement image. The Create button is disabled unless Fireworks is also
installed on your computer.
Reset Size
Resets the W and H values to the original size of the image.
Specifies a color for the image placeholder.
See also
“Use Fireworks to modify Dreamweaver image placeholders” on page 368
Replace an image placeholder
An image placeholder does not display an image in a browser. Before you publish your site you should replace any
image placeholders you’ve added with web-friendly image files, such as GIFs or JPEGs.
If you have Fireworks, you can create a new graphic from the Dreamweaver image placeholder. The new image is set
to the same size as the placeholder image. You can edit the image, then replace it in Dreamweaver.
In the Document window, do one of the following:
Double-click the image placeholder.
Click the image placeholder to select it; then in the Property inspector (Window > Properties), click the folder
icon next to the Src text box.
In the Image Source dialog box, navigate to the image you want to replace the image placeholder with and click OK.
See also
“Use Fireworks to modify Dreamweaver image placeholders” on page 368
Align an image
You can align an image to text, another image, a plug-in, or other elements in the same line. You can also set the
horizontal alignment of an image.
Select the image in Design view.
Set the alignment attributes of the image in the Property inspector with the Align popup menu.
You can set the alignment in relation to other elements in the same paragraph or line.
Note: HTML does not provide a way to wrap text around the contours of an image, as you can with some word
processing applications.
The alignment options are as follows:
Specifies a baseline alignment. (The default may vary depending on the site visitor’s browser.)
Baseline and Bottom
Align the baseline of the text (or other element in the same paragraph) to the bottom of the
selected object.
Aligns the top of an image to the top of the tallest item (image or text) in the current line.
Aligns the middle of the image with the baseline of the current line.
September 4, 2007