Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

Page 720

background image


Base properties 339

baseline alignment 249

Basic Info tab (Design Notes) 103


about 347

compatibility with browsers 350

forms, attaching behaviors to 612

frames, using with 213

images 255

JavaScript 347

library items and 119

links, attaching to 282

media, adding 277

third-party, installing 350

working with 349

Behaviors panel 347

Bindings panel

adding dynamic text 565

creating a record counter 577

deleting data sources 563

displaying Spry built-in

elements 483, 485

Format column 578

making forms dynamic 608

making HTML attributes

dynamic 566

bitmap images

See also images

resizing 250

Block category (CSS style) 131

block properties, defining 131

blockquote tag, applying 240

bold text, setting 241

BOM 74

Border options (CSS Rule

Definition) 132

border properties 132

Box options (CSS Rule

Definition) 132

braces, balancing 327

Bridge Home 8

broken links 295

Browser Compatibility Check

feature 141


colors, web-safe 222

compatibility, with frames 212

previewing in 298

primary, defining 299

versions, checking 351

Bullet Image option 133


Go buttons 356

inserting 601


C# language 496

caching data sources 563

Call JavaScript action 350

cascading documents 25

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

code formatting with CSS rules 140

converting in-line CSS 138

creating new rules 129

cross-browser style rendering 141

CSS Styles panel 23, 124

layouts, about 145

layouts, creating 69, 149

moving rules 137

overview of 120

removing style from a

selection 137

setting background properties 130

setting preferences 128

setting type properties 130

shorthand properties 123

shorthand rules 128

updating rules in a Contribute

site 144

using (class) rules 136

Case option (CSS Rule

Definition) 130

case, changing 309, 321

case-sensitive links 43

catalogs, database 540

categories, assets 110

cells. See layout cells

CFForm 675

CFML (ColdFusion Markup

Language) 495

CFML. See ColdFusion Markup


Change Link Sitewide command 289

Change Link Sitewide dialog box 289

Change Property action 351

characters, valid in account

names 528

Check Browser action 351

Check In/Check Out system

about 91

checking files in and out 93

dependent files 85

finding checked out files 82

setting up 91

undoing a file check-out 94

Check Links Sitewide command 296

Check Plugin action 352

Check Spelling command 128, 233

CheckBox control 689

child tags, selecting 330

Clean Up Word HTML command 76

clearing column widths 186

client-side image maps. See image


Clip option 133

cloaking, site

enabling and disabling 100

files 100

uncloaking all 101

Close tags 314


case, changing 309

cleaning up 326

coding environment,

customizing 307

coding guidelines 599

collapsing 324

coloring preferences 312

comments 319

comparing files 96

copying and pasting 319

editing in templates 389

external editors 313

in external files 335

formatting preferences 309

head section of a document 337

indenting 309, 319, 322, 344

invalid 301

languages, supported 301

line numbers 309

navigation 320

preferences, setting 309

printing 323

Reference panel 323

rewriting automatically 302

searching 320

selecting in Contribute 569

September 4, 2007