About asp command objects, Use asp commands to modify a database – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


Dreamweaver adds a server behavior to the page that lets users delete records in a database table by clicking the
Submit button on the form.

Building pages with advanced data manipulation
objects (ColdFusion, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP)

About ASP command objects

An ASP command object is a server object that performs some operation on a database. The object can contain any
valid SQL statement, including one that returns a recordset, or one that inserts, updates, or deletes records in a
database. A command object can alter the structure of a database if the SQL statement adds or deletes a column in a
table. You can also use a command object to run a stored procedure in a database.

A command object can be reusable, in the sense that the application server can reuse a single compiled version of
the object to execute the command a number of times. You make a command reusable by setting the Prepared
property of the Command object to


, as in the following VBScript statement:

mycommand.Prepared = true

If you know the command will be executed more than a few times, having a single compiled version of the object can
make database operations more efficient.

Note: Not all database providers support prepared commands. If your database does not support it, it might return an
error when you set this property to


. It might even ignore the request to prepare the command and set the Prepared

property to



A command object is created by scripts on an ASP page, but Dreamweaver lets you create command objects without
writing a line of ASP code.

Use ASP commands to modify a database

You can use Dreamweaver to create ASP command objects that insert, update, or delete records in a database. You
supply the command object with the SQL statement or stored procedure that performs the operation on the database.


In Dreamweaver, open the ASP page that will run the command.


Open the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button, and select Command.


Enter a name for the command, select a connection to the database that contains the records you want to edit, and

select the editing operation that you want the command to perform—Insert, Update, or Delete.

Dreamweaver starts the SQL statement, based on the type of operation you select. For example, if you select Insert,
the dialog box looks like the following example:

September 4, 2007